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Catphan manual 504
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The requested URL was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Founderror was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. The CatPhan module automatically analyzes DICOM images of a CatPhan 504, 503, or 600 acquired when doing CBCT or CT quality assurance. It can load a folder or zip file that the images are in and automatically correct for translational and rotational errors. Major modules are automatically registered and analyzed. Any field size or field extent is allowed. CatPhan analysis as done by this module closely follows what is specified in the CatPhan manuals, replacing the need for manual measurements. Loading the DICOM images into your CatPhan object is done by passing the images in during construction. The rMTF can be calculated ad hoc like so. You can also customize modules themselves in v2. Customization should always be done by subclassing an existingmodule and overloading the attributes. Then, pass in the new custom module into the parent CatPhan class. The easiestway to get started is copy the relevant attributes from the existing code. The CatPhan module is based on the tests and values given in the respective CatPhan manual. The phantom can have significant translation in all 3 directions. The phantom can have significant roll and moderate yaw and pitch. Analysis can fail or give unreliable results if any Restriction is violated. The entire image set is converted from its raw values to HU by applying the rescale interceptand slope which is contained in the DICOM properties. At the edges of the scan this may not be true. If the CatPhan is in the image, a circular profile is takenat the location where the HU linearity regions of interest are located. If the profile contains low, high, and lots of mediumvalues then it is very likely the HU linearity module. All such slices are found and the median slice is set as theHU linearity module location. All other modules are located relative to this position. Precise knowledge of the ROIs to analyze is important, and small changes in rotationcould invalidate automatic results. The roll of the phantom is determined by examining the HU module and converting toa binary image. The air holes are then located and the angle of the two holes determines the phantom roll. ROIs are sampled whichcorrespond to the HU material regions. The mean pixel value of the ROI is the stated HU value. Again, using hardcoded but corrected angles, the area around the 4 nodes aresampled and then a threshold is applied which identifies the node within the ROI sample. The center of mass of the node isdetermined and then the space between nodes is calculated. One unique advantage of thesebars is that they are all focused on and equally distant to the phantom center. Low contrast is inherently difficult to determine since detectability of humansis not simply contrast based. Two background ROIs are sampled on either side of the ROI contrast set. The default detectability score is 10. Slice thickness is measured by determining the FWHM of the wire ramps in the CTP404 module. A profile of the area around each wire ramp is taken, and the FWHM is determined from the profile. Thus, thetwo longest profiles are averaged and the value is converted from pixels to mm and multiplied by 0. For each module, the determined values are compared with the nominal values. If the difference between the two is below the specified tolerance then the module passes. Most problems in this module revolve around getting the data loaded. Ensure that the FOV is large enough to encompass the entire phantom. If the scan is cutting off the phantomin any way it will not identify it. The phantom should never touch the edge of an image, see above point. CatPhan600 class on a CatPhan504scan may result in errors or erroneous results. The CatPhan classes uses several other classes. A class for loading and analyzing CT DICOM files of a CatPhan 504. String that points to the CBCT image folder location. Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset. If folder str passed is not a valid directory. A class for loading and analyzing CT DICOM files of a CatPhan 503. A class for loading and analyzing CT DICOM files of a CatPhan 600. A class for loading and analyzing CT DICOM files of a CatPhan 604. Construct a CBCT object from the demo images. Instantiate a CBCT object from a URL pointing to a . URL pointing to a zip archive of CBCT images. Construct a CBCT object and pass the zip file. Path to the zip file or a ZipFile object. If zip_file passed was not a legitimate zip file. Plot the images used in the calculate and summary data. Whether to plot the image or not. The name of the file to save the image to. Plot a specific component of the CBCT analysis. Values must contain one of the following letter combinations. Whether to plot the HU delta or actual values. Whether to actually show the plot. The millimeters per pixel of the DICOM images. Using a brut filexlib.
Catphan 504 handbuch
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